Israel Tour 2021 Itinerary

ISRAEL 2021 Itinerary

Global Ascension Network

Arrival Oct 21,2021

             Arrive Tel Aviv Airport. Transfers to Hotel

Note: Your flight into Tel Aviv should arrive at Ben Gurion airport no later than 4pm on Oct 21.  We will

have two bus transports available on Oct 21.  The first bus transport from the airport to the hotel in Netanya is

at 12pm.  The last bus transport to Netanya will leave at 6pm.  If your flight does not arrive before the 6pm

transport, taxi’s are available for $100.

If you are arriving early to spend a few days in the land before the tour starts please feel free to meet us at the

airport on June 1 at one of the above scheduled times.  We will be holding “NANCY COEN” signs at the

arrivals gate!

Overnight:  Seasons Hotel – Dinner, Conference room

Key Places we will visit during our 9 days!

Mediterranean Sea to Galilee


Caesarea – The ancient Roman seaport capital, where the first gentile was baptized. Here we will tour the Roman aqueduct, restored theatre, Herod’s palace and Crusader city.

Mt. Carmel – Overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and Jezreel Valley. Where Prophet Elijah called upon the fire of God to conquer the Prophets of Baal 

Megiddo – Armageddon, the Strategically Old Testament town located on the main routes between Babylonia and Egypt.

                 Overnight:  Ron Beach Hotel – Dinner, Conference room

Sea of Galilee


Capernaum – The base of Yeshua Galilee Ministry! Here he chose his disciples, healed the sick, preached in the synagogue and performed miracles.

Mount of Beatitudes – The hill where Yeshua delivered his Sermon on the Mount. (Mt. 5) Enjoy the peace and tranquility.

Migdal (Magdala) – The Jewish town recently excavated and the Synagogue from the time of Yeshua

Fish lunch – Traditional “St. Peter Fish” lunch

Boat ride Memorable boat ride and time of worship on the Sea of Galilee.

St. Peter Primacy – Down to the beach

Overnight:  Ron Beach Hotel – Dinner, Conference room

Galilee – Dead Sea

Caesarea Philippi The city of goat footed god Pan. 

It is here Yeshua revealed himself to his Disciples. (Mt. 16)

Mt. Hermon (drive by) – Mt. of Transfiguration.

Golan Heights/Odem Winery

Olea Essence (Olive oil manufactures)

Safed – Colorful Home place of Kabala and Jewish mysticism 

  Overnight: Ron Beach Hotel – Dinner, Conference room

Dead Sea

Qumran – Visit the excavated site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

Ein Gedi – The beautiful oasis where David hid from Saul and wrote many of the Psalms.

Relax, swim or have a spa

                                      Overnight: David Hotel – Dinner, Conference room

Dead Sea to Jerusalem


Masada – Herod’s mountain top palace and fortress. Learn about the last Jewish stand against the Romans and the mass suicide of the Jewish defenders

Valley of the Shadows – Breathtaking view of the Judean Wilderness and 

St. George Byzantine Monastery

Mount of Olives – View Jerusalem and walk down along a similar path as that Yeshua took when entering the city before Passover

Garden of Gethsemane – The site where Yeshua prayed in the Garden and was later arrested (Private Garden)       

           Overnight: Prima Kings Hotel – Dinner, Conference room



Bethlehem Shop

Church of St. Anne – Located by the pools of Bethesda where Yeshua healed the paralytic.

Eastern Gate – Walk along the entire Eastern wall, view the Golden Gate & Pinnacle of the Temple Mount, the Kidron Valley and Mount of Olives.

City of David – We will be guided through the site and new excavations.  Walk through Hezekiah’s tunnel in ankle to knee deep water fueled by the Gihon Springs and re-surface at the Pool of Siloam.

Southern Temple area & Davidson Center Southern wall excavations, Southern steps and gates of the Temple. 

             Overnight: Prima Kings Hotel – Dinner, Conference room



Via Dolorosa & Church of the Holy Sepulcher – On the grounds of traditions from the Catholic, Coptic Christian and Greek Orthodox Church, tour the location of the crucifixion and burial tomb of Yeshua.

Jewish Quarter and Herodian Mansion Walk through the Cardo Maxima, Hezekiah’s wide wall, Herodian Mansion; possible house of Caiaphas where Yeshua was imprisoned.

Temple Institute – Learn about different aspects of the Biblical commandment to build the Holy Temple

The Western Wall The holiest site for Jews to pray. Some may wish to leave a note in the crevices of the wall…

Rabbinical tunnel Descend to the entire length of the Western wall and see its greatest foundation stone

FOZ Museum 

                 Overnight: Prima Kings Hotel – Dinner, Conference room 

Lower Valleys


Prophet Samuel Tomb – Traditional Tomb and panoramic view of Jerusalem to Samaria

Emmaus and Valley of Ayalon – Yeshua appeared after his death and resurrection. Joshua Ben Nun met his enemies and Judah the Maccabi confronted his foes. 

Bell Caves and Tel Maresha –The former Hellenistic towns of Maresha and Beit Guvrin; cisterns, chambers, oil presses, baths, columbaria, stables, burial caves and more.  Archeological Dig

Tel Azekah and Valley of Elah – The immortal battle of David and Goliath

Ein Kerem – Picturesque traditional birthplace of John the Baptist surrounded by green hills, forest and church towers

                                 Overnight: Prima Kings Hotel – Dinner, Conference

Oct, 30 Check out of hotel – 12pm

Note: Our check out time at the hotel in Jerusalem is noon (12pm).  We will not schedule any touring on this day. There will be two bus transports available Oct 30th, one mid morning (10am) and one mid afternoon (3pm).  If you do not want to use the bus transports to the airport, taxis are available for $100.

Bus transfers to the airport


Contact Us

To contact us you can call: 719-219-9600 or email us at: [email protected]

Mailing Address Make Checks payable to:
Global Sons
P.O. Box 305
Divide, CO 80814

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