What is Ascension

In our Ascension Groups we have multitudes of people in the nations who join together every week to get caught up in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and are carried away to heaven to follow the pattern that Jesus set before us; So Jesus said, “I speak to you eternal truth. The Son is unable to do anything for himself or through his own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same works as his Father” John 5:19. If Jesus Christ of His own self could do nothing except what He saw the Father doing, how do we think that we can produce anything of eternal value if we cannot see what the Father is doing?

Each one of you has a unique part to play in this poetry. The Psalms say that your life is a poem. Our Father has so much to show you about who you really are and where you’re really from. This is why Global Sons was birthed, to aid you in your poetic process of manifestation.

If you are interested in joining an ascension group please click the link below :

Beginners Bundle

We have compiled some download-ables and videos to assist new – ascenders, please share them with anyone who needs it.

Corporate Ascension 101

This will help you understand the protocols that the Bible laid out for us.

Ascension 101 Notes

The Who, What, and How of Ascension, with foundational Bible verses.

Angel Encouragement with Christopher Carter

The Imagination with Christopher Carter

Honeycomb Ascension

What is the Honeycomb you say? It is a guided ascension for everyone who has signed up for an ascension 
group in the last month. Whether you’re in your group already or you are still waiting, The Honeycomb is for you. 
The Honeycomb will take place once a month with one of our amazing leaders. To help you get acclimated and get a feel for connecting to the heavens with a group. 

Psalms 63 : 2 – I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power
and drink in more of your glory.

Revelation 1:10 – I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet.

Revelation 4: 1-2 – Then suddenly, after I wrote down these messages, I saw a portal open into the heavenly realm, and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the beginning  said, “Ascend into this realm!  I want to reveal to you what must happen  after this.” Instantly I was taken into the spirit realm,  and behold—I saw a heavenly throne  being set in place and someone seated upon it.

Become a partner. Let's change the realms together.

Note: These partnership levels are automatically recurring. You can cancel at anytime.

Contact Us

To contact us you can call: 719-219-9600 or email us at: [email protected]

Mailing Address Make Checks payable to:
Global Sons
P.O. Box 305
Divide, CO 80814

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