The Artwork
Global Sons function together as a family, building a net of connectivity over the earth. We have testaments of how we have come together over multitudes of nations, uniting partners on every continent of the world.
Our new artwork ‘GLOBAL SONS’ by Kathy Berry, perfectly encapsulates our heart and purpose ordained by God. When we commissioned Kathy to create this piece for us she thought of every different aspect of Global Sons:

Global Sons by KATHY BERRY
“The overall theme for the illustration is ‘Uniting the Ekklesia all over the earth’. When I think of Global Sons I think of heaven and earth becoming ONE; Interconnectivity, Multi-Dimensions, Sacred geometry and Ascension.”
Kathy Berry

Global Sons by KATHY BERRY
Kathy Berry

The Meaning Behind the Artwork
Each element represents a part of the story, the three concentric circles of Melchizedek Order and the sacred geometry. The earth is the 1st dimension and the Central focus on the illustration, covered by multitudes of Sacred geometry figures and the ‘Flowers of life’ at the center of the flowers lit with bright golden light. The lights represent the ‘hubs’ of global ascension groups all over the earth, one with each other and The Godhead. The combination of geometric configurations visualizes every living thing on earth.
The 2nd dimension is the outer ring surrounding the earth and represents the unseen realm. The sacred geometry continues and is multi-layered. They are all held together by the 3rd- dimension which is heaven.
Heaven is represented by the ring of gold. There are 3 hi-lighted 3 petal flowers attached to the ring of gold – those represent the Trinity of God/ Yahweh and the Trinity of man.
With the representation of the 3 dimensions, the triple concentric circles are highlighted by hues of Gold. As God is restoring the Order of Melchizedek on the earth today, we are being called into heavenly places to commune with heavenly beings, for they are calling Us to “Come up here!” This is represented as white flames, shafts of white light hitting the earth showing the groups coming back down and affecting the planet and all living things seen and unseen.
As we partner together across the globe you see the family sitting around the golden circle, the small dots surrounding earth, for as it is in Heaven, so it shall be in the earth.
Created By Kathy Berry, check out her website for more information.