Meet our Leaders/Groups
Please Note: To view each Leader Profile, click or tap on the photo:
Based in Auckland, Aotearoan (NZ) Ali is the youngest of 16, born in a small rural town in the Waikato, New Zealand, she is of Māori descent, and has grown-up in the language and protocols of her ancestors. Māori are inherently spiritual and warriors. In 1984 Ali walked into a school hall and was impacted immediately by Holy Spirit. Having no reference point for the things of YHVH, Ali made the decision to follow this Spirit of warmth and light, who was so very different to the spirits of her ancestors. Four decades on, redeemed and walking a journey of being untethered from her DNA, Ali’s desire is to walk towards the faces of Yahweh in radical intimacy where ascension is a life-style and habitation the norm. A nameless, and faceless one, whose only desire is to entwine in and through Yahweh, that He might draw all to the rising of His Light and Glorious Love. Hi! My name is Cheryl from Coffs Harbour in Australia. I am a creative-arts teacher; founder and CEO of Frontier Projects Haiti – a mission and charity outreaching God’s Love to children, teachers and families in Haiti; and co-facilitator of a non-denominational Kingdom-culture gathering of hubs in Coffs Harbour: I have loved Jesus all my life, experiencing dreams and angelic encounters as a child and growing up to hunger for intimate, Holy Spirit prophetic encounters since my teens. I function with a seer-anointing and now realize that I have been experiencing ascension journeys long before I knew what they actually were! I am passionate to love the sons of God into re-remembering who they are in Christ, experiencing and activating the Heavenly realms, power and authority that Holy Spirit leads us into, to fulfill all that Papa has written for us on our destiny-scrolls, bringing Heaven’s reign on earth! I live on the east coast of Australia with my gorgeous husband, our fur-babies (border collies) and feather-babies (chooks), near our divine children who are married with amazing partners. Sara Summers: I fell in love with the sky at the age of 12 during my first airplane flight. I have an undergraduate degree in Meteorology, a graduate degree in Environments studies, and enjoyed a career in the earth and atmospheric sciences field. Two children and three continents later, a friend introduced me to Justin Abraham, and from there I heard about Nancy Coen and the Global Ascension Network. I began to discover the heavens in a new way, and engage in a deeper relationship with our Creator, His Cosmos and Limitless. Diane Holladay has been doing corporate ascensions for over 10 years, and has been taught and mentored by Nancy Coen starting in 2002. According to the Christological signs in heaven, Diane is called to be a kingdom administrator. Her passions include bringing God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and learning how to do only what the Lord does and says, per John 5:19 and 5:30. Driven by her desire to worship the Lord, she has been on a worship team for over 15 years and has followed the Lord into new realms of worship, including collaborative, spontaneous, heart-felt worship orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. She sings, plays keyboard, harp, and other instruments, and collaborates in sound and frequency laboratories and in pursuing the kingdom of God together as one in Christ. Diane lives in the mountains of Colorado. She has been led from corporate America, where she provided production planning and IT customer support, into the entrepreneurial world of developing custom database applications. Del Hungerford teaches music courses at the collegiate level, was a former music teacher in the public schools, and performed with several professional orchestras and ensembles. As a classical musician, she uses her training to delve deeper into how frequency affects our spirit, soul, and body. Connecting the spiritual with the material, Del creates spontaneous instrumental music with the intent of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. As an author, she writes about her experiences in a format that’s meant to assist others on similar journeys. Her recording label (and website) is Healing Frequencies Music where she also blogs about her research. She explores the spiritual side of that research through the websites, Supernatural Lessons and NW Ekklesia. Del lives in northern Idaho where she enjoys many outdoor activities, working in her community, and running a business out of her home. Marilyn Zander | UCLA graduate; high school master teacher; real estate sales, manager; photography for European newspapers; founding member of LC Scholarship Foundation; Ordained minister, Associate Pastor, worship leader on piano, keyboard, Women’s Ministry Pastor, office administrator, curriculum writer, teacher; God assigned travel to over 60 nations; Founder of Masterpiece Ministries International; Life, marriage, family in So. California; moved to Colorado in 1997. 20 plus years ascension experience mostly with Servant Ministry. To see, know, understand, and participate with God and all the sons to merge the heavenly kingdom with God’s earthly kingdom and participate with the restoration of all things utilizing our God given Christ consciousness and spiritual abilities. I am a self employed subcontractor in Houston, Texas, providing account management services for Guardian Facility Solutions, Inc. for the past 12 years. I am native Houstonian and I have been involved with Marilyn Zander’s ascension group for over 2 years while also being a member of the Global network. My heart has long been to be a conduit for Yahweh’s resources, in the broadest sense, to where He wants them to go, and to set the captives free. Champion (Hebrew word ‘Benayim’) is about being a Champion into situations and lives, however and wherever Yahweh leads us, partnering with the Heavenly realm to surround the chaos and bring His light, life and perspective into the circumstances faced. Acting as a catalyst for transformation, propelling them into something new, bringing alignment between Heaven and Earth; the fullness of unity and joy. I am currently based in the UK, I have been on a surrendered walk of faith for many years, but more intensely for the last 4 years. I had worked in business and higher education for 30 years, and trained for 15 years as a complementary therapist in the New Age world before the Lord closed the door on it all for this season. I continue to submit my life to Him, following His leadings, eagerly awaiting how He will transform and utilise it all for His glory. The focus of the group. To love, and honour each other. To grow in maturity as sons. To hear the heart of Father for the outworking of Heaven’s agenda bringing heaven to earth. To release the love of restoration. Hi. I have just celebrated my 70th birthday. I now live in the UK after living in Cyprus for 13 years and serving with my husband as pastor of Paphos Christian fellowship international. We stepped down in 2017, Our main mission is now the Philippines where we minister and serve a number of fellowships there. We have recently introduced one fellowship to engaging in heaven ,living in dual realms. To realize who we are in Christ and to step into and fulfill our Destiny as part of the amazing body of Christ. To advance our Fathers kingdom on this earth as all creation groans for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Finally to demonstrate the love our Father has for those He brings around us through understanding and experiencing the love He has for us. I grew up in Central New South Wales on a farm knowing about and talking to our Father. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 19, was baptized and Spirit filled. For the first 30 years of my Christian life I tried to be a son. 10 years ago I discovered that I am a Son and since that time am in the process of fulfilling my destiny as one of the many amazing Sons of God. Ascension Group Germany, a arising Group on the Footsteps of the Forerunners the Reformers I am part of the global ascension network for 2 years. I live in the North of Germany.
In unity we take our seats, positioned in rest, as we govern in Yeshua from the inside out. We’ve shifted from our psychotherapy and social work careers. Our focus is living face to face with Yahweh, living out our scrolls, engaging with heaven and eliminating anything in our lives that hinders the fulfillment of loving Yahweh with all our heart, soul and mind.
Revelation 22:17 The Passion Translation (TPT) “Come,” says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears this duet join them in saying, “Come.” Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, “Come.” And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink it freely. “It is my gift to you! Come.” Revelation 22:17 in the Passion Translation captures perfectly our heartfor our ascension group. Tim & Meg Britton: Tim and Meg Britton have been married for almost 36 years and involved in ministry for 35 plus years. We currently serve as Marriage and Family Associate Pastors as well as Elders at Joyland Church in Colorado. Our ministry call has been to engaged/married couples and families through teaching, mentoring and premarital preparation. We were introduced to Ascension by Nancy Coen when she and her family started attending our church. It is now our desire to have His children experience the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. The DNA of Father’s Wonder Filled Heart is so full of desire for us to be One in Him and experience all that He Is and has made for us to enjoy. As Sons together, to mature, Co-Create and Reign with Him over all Creation. To explore and know that we truly are just like Him. Each of us has such a Beautiful Image to manifest in Creation. To See and Decree, Declare what He has purposed to Restore and Rejoice with Him. I so look forward to ALL of us as ONE connecting, sharing His Grace and Glory, Power and Dominion together. We all hope you’ll join in this Mystical Journey!!! To know Him is to Love Him… Roy Lives in Houston, TX with his wife Becky. I’ve been ascending (caught up in the Spirit) for many years. Was a Youth Leader, Assoc. Pastor, actively participated in the Prophetic. Totally in love with Papa, Jesus, and His kids. In 2000, Nancy prophesied over me and the things Holy Spirit revealed are just now beginning to come to pass. Early 2017 I found Justin, Ian, and Nancy on youtube and EVERYTHING CHANGED. Began ascending daily. Shaked, rattled, rolled, disassembled, reassembled. Everything was thrown into the Fire, even precious things burned up. What remains is, “AS HE IS, SO ARE WE”. My heart’s desire has always been to help His kids get what He wants them to have. To behold Him face to face, becoming what they see there, and bringing that into their lives in the earth. Everything that follows; meeting the saints in white linen, cloud of witnesses, angels, living creatures etc. and the wonderful discoveries of what Papa wants us to decree and declare from heaven into the earth, comes forth with such love and power. We are awesome to behold.
An ardent lover of Yeshua, a wife and a mother of 2, , based out of Melbourne, Australia, hosting a home-based small group prayer gathering. Being born into a Hindu family in India, Yeshua brought me into him in my late teen years. From 2015 onwards, Lord started taking me into the mystical world and led me to Nancy’s teachings. I joined Global Sons in 2020 through Yolande who started this group. The growth and transformation I experienced is huge. As Yolande is embarking a new path, I am asked to step into this role. We are positioned to see what Father is doing and to bring that to the entire creation as led by Yeshua and Ruach. We seek that which eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and our minds yet to comprehend. Our desire is to BE all that Father desires for us. Greater works within and without is our goal. We flow in unity and in oneness. I encountered the Above All Transforming Presence of Holy Spirit in 1975… Yeshua my All in All … and my life became a glorious obsession… my Holy pursuit … Encountering His Presence… Ascending realms of Glory … my passion… by His grace I have been a teacher, a shepherd…a servant of YHVH. I have loved serving Him… Nothing compares to Knowing Him…
Our one purpose is Beholding and Knowing Yeshua in Intimacy and Union… as we are being Transformed by Holy Spirit from one Glory Realm to the NEXT… into His image …Becoming Glorious Mature Sons of God…Glorifying Yahweh in all we do and are…ascending in Messiah Messiah…His Glory Kingdom governing the Earth and all The Kingdom of Heavens. Yea YAH!!! The focus is to connect Heaven to Earth. To bring Light into dark places and revelation of the Dark places. To bring people that are wandering not knowing where they are and where they are going in to the Light and then into Heavenly places. Through connecting Heaven to Earth – helping and leading people to a Deeper place of intimacy with Yahweh !!! I live my life as Lightning bringing light as I pray and intercede and decree and declare as a full time intercessor for the last 12 years. I live as an Exhorter bringing people into the Light of Yahweh !!! I have been ascending for many many years not knowing it but now I take people into Heavenly places with me !!! To create a safe space for people to experience, learn, and live a life of a son of God. to build community and walk in unity and love. allowing the Father to make a way through us where there seem no way before. I live and run a ministry in Moscow, Russia. I have graduated from third year of BSSM and have organized and ran ministry for Russian speakers for the past year and a half. I have followed Justin Abraham’s teaching and through it I was introduced to GAIN. I met Nancy by the grace of God in November 2021 at a conference in Moravian Falls, NC. That absolutely changed my life. I desire to make a way for Russian speaking World to be able to be part of GAIN! It is such an honor to be part of this movement. John 5:19 – 19 So Jesus said, “I speak to you eternal truth. The Son is unable to do anything from himself or through his own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same works as his Father. We, the body, engage our Father as One through Yeshua to hear from His heart and be His presence in all the universe! My name is Anna Tsai. When Roman 8:22-23 was illuminated in my spirit. I desire to become the son of God that all creation is groaning for. Now, I have a passion to see the body of Christ mature into the Sons of God As SONS we enter in unity through the doorway of Yeshua and through the FIRE of the Holy Spirit to encounter the very heart of Yahweh our Father experiencing His love, His joy, and His desires for us as we partner with Him and fully receive all He has to offer us. I found the doorway of Yeshua as I studied Hebrews chapter 9 with Father. HE revealed to me the veil as the torn flesh of Yeshua cleansing me and welcoming me into the tabernacle to fellowship with Him. My heart belongs to Father and I desire to bring others with me through the veil and the cross of Christ to experience all the Father has for us as sons of the Most High. It is important to me that every member of the Sons of Fire has a voice print during each ascension. Together in unity, we honor the Father with delight and joy as we partner with Him according to His blueprint for our group and for all creation.
Joining together in the order of Melchizedek (Kings and Priests) in the divine to be Echad, one as IAM, to transcend the natural and co-create with Yahweh’s original intention for all creation. Engaging with and in expansion, activation, discovery, fire, union, oneness, communion, joy, and beyond beyond as we pursue the deep being the intentions of our ascensions. Psalm 24:7-10 TPT Our desire is to use all of our senses to access heaven and be led in a deeper relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As we visit heaven and interact with those we are privileged to meet we impact earth by bringing back the tools Yahweh gives us and we use them. He repeatedly shows us the chief one is love. I am a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of five, and Nana to 12. I minister as the Director of our church’s large Food Distribution Center, -Bread of Life. I have a passion to see people set free so they can fulfill their destiny. I found Nancy through Justin Abraham’s interview with her two years ago.
Our mandate is to partner with Him in His Divine Dance as He escorts us to places of ascension assignment to announce His restoration purposes. In His embrace we are transformed in the centrifuge of His Fiery Love causing the fragrance of His Glory to permeate the atmosphere. I am an adventurer into the Secret Place and love-sick admirer of His Beauty. Mom to three, wife of 32 years, and a Canadian living in Colorado. Author, speaker, former high school music director and paid intercessor I love spending time in His Presence and teaching all ages how to access the Garden of their heart and spin in entrainment with Him on the Divine dance floor. Focus on greater intimacy with Father’s Heart in order to walk in greater responsibility as maturing Sons. Using our creative gifts/abilities in the Spirit to unlock things that cannot be unlocked by verbal expression alone. Creating kingdom structures for manifestation on/in the Cosmos. See and make all things new in Jesus’ Name and Nature. We believe all humans are creative because all were made in His image and likeness. Jason Henderson is a visual artist, worshipper, teacher who knows there is more; has served as pastor (English/Spanish speaking congregations) and as Messianic Rabbi. He is a husband, father of three adult children, and an Army Veteran who loves technology. He shines light in the federal government by designing curriculum to educate government leaders at various levels by day and paints from heaven by night teaching others to do the same. He went from a cold, religious intellectual skeptic to a fully practicing, happy mystic who loves Father, Yeshua, and Ruach in spirit and reality. Ascenders Rising is a group for those starting out on their ascension experience. It’s a place for you to connect your spirit with Ruach Hakodesh, and to be brought up into the heavenly places to hear what’s on the Father’s heart from a heavenly perspective. You will learn to listen to your spirit voice. Practice stepping out in faith to share with others what you hear and see and connect in the spirit with others hungry to hear the Father’s heart with you. You will see how collaborating together in unity and oneness weaves a beautiful fabric of the divine tapestry with each thread an integral part in the process. You will take away with you decrees and declarations that reflect the heart of Yahweh enabling you to stay in the place of agreement, and oneness with what’s in His heart for His sons globally, so His will be done and His kingdom come. Miriam is a wife to one, mother to five, grandma and mentor to women hungry for heart healing in their lives. She hails from the land down under, Australia!! Her life passion is to empower and inspire women. To equip them to find freedom from loss, pain and disappointment and find restoration, transformation, and healing from the IN-side-OUT. All this is, of course, achieved through Holy Spirit intuitive-led healing. This is also how Miriam discovered the deep, soul-saturating satisfaction of what it is to rise upwards to heavenly places, and sit with Jesus and listen to his heart on all things pertaining to life and godliness! Global Sons Ascension Network has accelerated her growth in this practice, and connected her to a tribe of like-minded ascenders! Miriam’s heart is to provide a space for newbie ‘ascenders’ to become familiar with the process, and ascend into heavenly realms to see, hear, and know the fathers heart for them, the group and even globally for the nations… …And in so doing realize they are not crazy, but are in fact hearing from Holy Spirit! Reina Alvarez has been ascending with Global Sons since 2020 after listening to teaching after teaching of Nancy Coen especially being blown away from the Order of Melchizedek. In currently live in Southern California via New York via Chicago area. I have been involved with teaching and watching God use horses to heal and change lives my whole life! I have a multi-location horse program called the barb wire project, through it I have learned and watched God… God saved my life in a fatal car wreck, I only asked Him “Lord I believe your word, why is the church failing?” thus began a ” Journey ” of vastness I had not had any understanding of. Church life had not ever been what represented Jesus, and I thank Him for what now is! I met Nancy Coen thru a wonderful journey God had me on to go deeper into Him, thru Benji Alexander, Raising Royalty to GAIN, into ascension with another leading Journeys, to leading. The vastness of “HIM” continues to blow me away! Being discipled has never meant more to me! Revelations 4:1 “come up here and I will show you what must take place after this” Our journeys travel to places God has for us, the mandate, we see what must take place, journeys abound! I took over the group from another leader, thus added the 2, when asking God for group name, He said 2, with a plural meaning. Two journey, and rev. says we are too journey. Jesus still speaks in parables, words with many meanings! Fascinating the stairways, corridors, pathways, horses and ships we’ve been on, all to fulfil what He has for us to do. Beyond Amazing the JOURNEY He has for us, here and now! Our desire is for us as the body to experience the Love, the light and the Full measure of Yahweh’s joy and gladness until it is complete and overflowing. That we would experience together the entire Breadth, length, depth and height of Christ Love and be filled with the fullness of Yahweh! Rowan and Desiree grew up in Pentecostal / charismatic church life. Teaching Sunday school, youth pastor and eventually senior pastors for 10 years. Something was always missing never satisfied Eventually led us to an encounter with Justin Abraham at Love Feat in 2020 and later with Nancy Coen in September 2020. We’ve never looked back! I was born in Uruguay and got encounter by the Lord in 2001. Since them I been going after him with all my heart. Several years ago I learn we can walk in heaven and is been an adventure to learn and keep relearning everyday and experience him as well. I looking everyday for more and keep learning this eternal walk and dance in Him and keep allowing his transformation. My desires is to know Him more and more and to agree and partner with his desires,my desires on this realm as it is in Heaven Our focus is in our union with the Trinity and remembering all that we are in Him. Our desire is to bring others along as we seek the deeper things of Yahweh’s heart while being immersed in his glorious Life and Love. To know this Love that surpasses all understanding (Ephesians 317-19). And explore the limitless potential we have in the Devine Entanglement we have in Him. Brandon and Elizabeth were high school sweethearts that got married right out of high school. They now have 5 children and have served in ministry both full time and part time throughout their marriage. They found Global Son’s through Justin Abraham and were excited to join the Global Ascension Network under Tim & Meg. They now are heading up their own Ascension group and are blessed to serve Global Sons and Nancy Coen’s team. Entanglement, union, rest, love, safety, and strength are a few of the words that speak to our group. We are poet-warriors fully resting in the finished work of Yeshua, experiencing his transformation through the fullness of his nature entangling us. All the good work is His and our part just simple acceptance. Yet, he makes us neither slaves nor beggars, instead Sons of God, the Bride of Christ, immensely beautiful and powerful. Guided by Ruach HaKodesh without limitation, we encounter his beautiful and mysterious name, nature, and kavod. “Those who entangle with YHWH will renew new strength…” Isaiah 40:30 Mark has ministered and played music in and around the church since childhood starting with his parent’s ministry, the Les Merrick Evangelistic Team. His young childhood was idyllic, but the weight of the world and religious mandates began to compound. Though he had a hunger for Abba, went to bible school, married a nice girl, and did all the “right” things he was full of anxiety. Yet, YHWH, the poet warrior Creator, would not let him go, relentlessly chipping away at Mark’s religious sepulchers. Eventually, at wit’s end and after experiencing lots of covid-era challenges, Mark surrendered his religion. In trade, Abba gave him true relationship with Yeshua, and Mark found himself in an ascendant dance that gets better every day. This ascension group is for mature Sons of God who are ready to align each week with Jesus and what Holy Spirit wants done on earth through a unified team living with Him in the 3rd Heaven as Paul mentioned. I was an Engineer who God’s humor changed into a Dual Citizen. I’ve served/led in many churches, Healing Room, but now freely worship and walk daily with Yeshua knowing our position is in Heavenlies with Him. Chris Carter really opened my eyes to the Heavenlies and then I got connected with Nancy Coen and Global Sons! As I began considering becoming an ascension leader, I felt a bit under qualified. But while talking to Jesus about it through an ascension experience, He gave me a beautiful vision. He handed me a beautifully wrapped gift. As I removed the lid from the gift, bright glorious rays of light came radiating out. And I heard the whisper: the gift is joy in His presence. And then very soon after He gave me the scripture verse of Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” Psalms 16:11. So powerful! I knew it was confirmation that yes indeed, He thinks I am ready to lead an ascension group. And so with each and every ascension, seeking Him and His presence is first and foremost. I have loved Jesus since I was a little girl. He has been my joy and my obsession for as long as I can remember. He started me on a new path of pursuing Him about 14 years ago, in which I gave up religion & all it entails. And then two years ago He led me into ascending into the heavenlies and my life has not been the same since!! He has shown me over and over that in His presence I find true joy, peace and hope. He is who I seek after, want to know and want to be with. I love my family; My husband, my three children and their beautiful spouses, and my five beautiful grandchildren. I am having more fun leading my grandchildren on this path of joy in His presence! I am very interested in health and fitness. I also enjoy being outdoors: hiking, skiing, kayaking, walking, golf & more! I also enjoy crafts and reading!❤️ The goal of this group will be to amplify and release the voice of Abba’s will in the earth. Our group will be a place for those new to “seeing” and also those who are experienced in seeing into Heavenly realms. We will ascend to see and then decree Father’s heart plans for the day! As our group voice prints are registered in the Heavens, His purpose will be released to the earth and cosmos, through our voice as one! I am a widow with four grown daughters and grandchildren. I was raised in a Christian home and in the Baptist church, where I met Jesus and learned the Bible as a child. I received the Baptism of Holy Spirit in my early 20s and began devouring the Word. It was then I realized that I had prophetic gifting.
Unlocking Ancient Pathways
Thy Kingdom Come
Kingdom Pathways
Unlimited Access
Agapian Restorers
Champion (Hebrew word Benayim)
Sons of our Father
His Divine Duet
Papa’s Heart
Beholding & Becoming
The Lightning
Way Makers
Ancient Paths
Sons of Fire
Sons Arising
Glory to Glory
His Divine Dance
Kingdom Seekers
Ascenders Arise
Aleph Gate
2 Journeys Beyond the Veil
Sons of the Luminary
Kainos Reveal
The Devine Entanglement
Entangled with Glory
Walking in Victorious Union
Joy in His Presence
Voice of Many Waters
Leader: Ali Ahu
Leader: Cheryl Ward
Unlocking Ancient Pathways
Leader: Sara Summers
Thy Kingdom Come
Leader: Diane Holladay & Del Hungerford
Kingdom Pathways
Leader: Marilyn Zander
Unlimited Access
Leader: Eddie McNeill
Agapian Restorers
Leader: Claire Nielsen
Champion (Hebrew word Benayim)
Leader: Sue Beesley
Leader: Alan Powell
Sons of our Father
Leader: Iris Grit Fach-Borchers
Leader: Dave & Carolyn Holland
Leader: Tim & Meg Britton
His Divine Duet
Leader: Roy Rogers
Papa’s Heart
Leader: Syari Nair
Leader: Andrea Murphy
Beholding & Becoming
When Abba led me to Global Ascension ….I felt like I was starting all over from the beginning…ALL things new… Transformational! How thankful and praiseworthy is He…. He saved the best for last. Glory, ecstasy… LIVING THE LIMITLESS LIFE… I said, “YES
Leader: Marius de Villiers
The Lightning
Leader: Kseniya Porfirova
Way Makers
Leading: Anne Tsai
Ancient Paths
Leader: Susan Bugenhagen
Sons of Fire
Leader: Paulette Rahm
Sons Arising
“So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. 8 You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?” The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! 9 So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. 10 You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory!”
Leader: Donna Pinaire
Glory to Glory
Leader: Cheryl Wright
His Divine Dance
Leader: Jason Henderson
Kingdom Seekers
Leader: Miriam Smout
Ascenders Arise
Leader: Reina Alvarez
Aleph Gate
Leader: Melody Vandermolen
2 Journeys Beyond the Veil
Leaders: Rowan & Desiree Andrews
Sons of the Luminary
Jn 15:11, Eph 3:18
Leader: Chariot Ester Wilson
Kainos Reveal
Shalom to all!
To become and manifest oneness in Him,in his love, desires and moving.
To allow Him to teach us all,that requires re-learning his ways and thoughts, trusting him and being reformed and transform.
To manifest our true identity and learn to co-create with him in agreement, as we decree and declare what he shares with us
To be teachable, knowing he knows all,we don’t, we just learning from true source.
To desire all he desires to be known, done and behold for such time as this.
To live from his Heart.
Leader: Brandon & Elizabeth Wilcox
The Devine Entanglement
Leader: Mark Merrick
Entangled with Glory
Leader: Douglas Menck
Walking in Victorious Union
1 – We understand we are seated with Christ.
2 – Jesus Christ is the only way.
3 – We practice living in His presence.
4 – We are more than conquerors.
5 – God is outside time and space.
6 –Seek and find. Ask and receive. Knock and it’s opened. God is Good.
7 – We confidently expect.
Leader: Danille Kurtz
Joy in His Presence
Leader: Mary Ann Hadwin
Voice of Many Waters
Over the years, I spoke to small groups, taught different classes in church and most recently have had a worship/prayer group in my home. This group started out learning to understand that they can “see” and now are moving into ascension.
I have always attended Interdenominational type churches as an adult but never felt that I “fit”.
I got a Passion Bible Translation in 2018 and the phrase, “in union with Jesus”, jumped out to me. I began longing and praying for that “union” ; having no idea what that meant. Someone mentioned a Justin Paul
Abraham video and from that I discovered Nancy Coen videos! I finally found my tribe and now feel that I “fit”!