Welcome To
Global Sons
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1
Letter from Nancy
Dear Partners, Friends and Family
We welcome you to Global Sons! We are building a family of believers over the earth uniting together with one purpose, maturing people into sonship.We want to encourage everyone to seek what the Lord wants to show you in your Ascensions especially during 2023. He promises He’s going to take us to places we’ve never been before. He’s going to show us things we’ve never seen before. He’s going to tell us things that we’ve never heard before. He’s going to teach us and lead us and guide us, and direct us, so that we can fulfill our divine purpose for which we were created. To be co-workers and co-creators, together with Him, with the establishment of His kingdom and His righteousness in all of the earth. (2 Cor 6).This was the purpose behind the establishment of Global Sons, and it remains our purpose today.
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