We are walking you through step by step on how to:
Users log in by clicking the link in the upper right corner and entering their credentials.
Once logged in, they can access:
Monthly teachings page
Partner downloads
Account details
Tutorial highlights include:
Updating payment methods
Accessing exclusive content
With a reminder of the meditation Zoom link available on the account details page.
Honeycomb Ascension
The HoneyComb is a guided ascension for everyone who is a New Partner or has signed up for an ascension
group in the last month. Whether you’re in your group or still waiting, The Honeycomb is for you.
The Honeycomb will occur twice a month with one of our amazing leaders. To help you get acclimated and get a feel for connecting to the heavens with a group.
We have created resources to help new partners in their Journey.
Please note that joining The Global Sons Family is not just to join an ascension group. The group is a bonus. We really do encourage you to jump into the meditations and teachings alongside joining a group.