To The Heavens & Beyond Trade
Global Sons welcomes you to partner with Yahweh’s mandate for the Sons of God through Global Sons to manifest HIS plans and purposes in all the earth.
The growth of Yahweh’s mandate through Globals Sons is going to be funded through the trading platform of love and from the hearts of the Sons of Yahweh.
We are looking for partners, who have it set in their hearts by the frequency of love that comes directly from the heart of Yahweh, to fund His mission. The purpose of presenting this opportunity is to make a way for Yahweh to move.
There are so many earthly funds necessary to fulfill the call of Yahweh in the natural realm. These funds are not going to come from traditional economic means, but they will come through an expression of Acts 4:32-37. It’s not about the dollar amount it’s about the heart through the giving of the trade, that becomes activated in the earth, and creates the pathway for Yahweh to move upon His mission for global sons, that we have all said yes to.
We are asking you to lay this before Yahweh to see how He will call you to trade on a recurring basis into what he is doing, and about to do through Global Sons. We have many people trading in many different ways.
For example, all of our Ascension group leaders receive no financial contribution but give their time freely, each and every week spending hours managing your groups. Nancy Coen, the founder of Global Sons, who has been brooding over the call for nearly 50 years, receives no regular financial payment except one-time trades or honorariums from conferences and webinars.
Now is the time Yahweh has called upon us to present this beautiful blessing, of this opportunity to trade into His mission. Trading/Giving on a regular basis, as you hear the call of Yahweh in your heart, will have an impact, in the earthly realm, and the heavenly realms that will bare eternal fruit.
Click the Trading button to make your global impact to see what Yahweh will do in and through YOU and US as ONE in HIM.